Presto Automation has introduced a pilot for its Spanish Voice AI ordering feature at drive-throughs at select locations in Southern California, US.

The company’s new technology is designed to facilitate seamless order placement in Spanish, with the flexibility to switch between English and Spanish as needed.

Following successful on-site testing, Presto Automation plans to expand the offering.

The Spanish feature is the latest addition to the Presto Voice suite, which aims to optimise restaurant operations.

Presto interim CEO Gee Lefevre stated: “We understand the importance of providing a seamless and inclusive experience for all restaurant guests and are excited to enhance Presto Voice’s capabilities to address this important demographic.

“The development will not only enable Presto to serve more customers in the US but also open up possibilities to expand internationally. Indeed, this advance demonstrates our abilities to add any language and we are keen to grow these capabilities in due time.

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“We are committed to bringing Spanish language ordering to market as quickly as possible. Many of our customers operate in areas with diverse demographics, and this feature will allow them to serve their Spanish-speaking guests better, providing a more personalised and efficient drive-through experience.”

In May 2024 Presto launched Presto Voice with Pure AI to further streamline the way restaurants handle orders.

The new feature will have the ability to improve customer experience by utilising advanced Voice AI technology.

This new tech will minimise the need for human intervention at the early stages of the ordering process.