The Stonegate Group has announced that the Railway Hotel Hill Top pub in Knottingley, West Yorkshire will reopen on 24 May 2024.

This follows a £160,000 refurbishment funded by Craft Union, which is part of Stonegate Group.

The investment has revitalised the pub with a comprehensive makeover, including a redesigned interior, new flooring, an updated bar area and modern lighting.

The renovation extends to the pub’s beverage offerings, with the introduction of new draught product lines such as Stella Artois.

A dartboard with computerised scoring has also been installed.

Railway Hotel operator James Gibson said: “I am thrilled to be joining the Railway Hotel as operator and I am looking forward to reopening our doors and welcoming the community back to the pub.

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“The refurbishment has really breathed a new lease of life into the Railway and going forward, the team and I are keen to make our entertainment offering one of the best in Knottingley.”

In May 2024 Yates in Torquay, a community hub in the Devon town, was reopened as a Craft Union venue following a £97,000 investment.

The move added Yates in Torquay into the expanding Craft Union portfolio.

Yates in Torquay offers indoor and outdoor seating options, a dedicated darts area and a brand-new pool table.