Provider of restaurant back-office solutions Rosnet has partnered with LetzChat, an AI-powered language translation service, to enhance its data analytics capabilities.

The collaboration aims to equip the restaurant industry with advanced multilingual communication and data analysis tools.

Founded in Kansas City, Missouri, Rosnet offers data analytics and technology services to the restaurant sector.

Its operational solutions include food and labour management tools, budgeting, inventory solutions and forecasting, and it caters to a diverse clientele ranging from quick service to fine dining establishments.

Rosnet president and CEO Maggie Peters said: “The collaboration between Rosnet and LetzChat marks the beginning of an exciting journey. We are equally committed to staying at the forefront of our respective fields.

“With our combined expertise and resources, Rosnet and LetzChat aim to develop advanced solutions that push the boundaries of data analytics and multi-lingual communication in restaurant operations.

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“These combined capabilities will provide vital solutions that support today’s culturally diverse workforce, which is essential to success.”

LetzChat, known for its real-time translation services, addresses the challenges of traditional translation methods by offering solutions across platforms including websites, SMS, chat communications, subtitles, in-person conversations and documents.

The partnership with Rosnet is set to provide the restaurant industry with seamless multilingual communication capabilities and sophisticated data analytics solutions.

The integration of Rosnet’s comprehensive restaurant management solutions with LetzChat’s AI-driven translations will enable restaurant operators to access, analyse and gain insights from their data in their preferred language.

The initiative not only offers operational advantages but also fosters an inclusive workplace for staff from diverse cultural backgrounds.

LetzChat CEO Jordan Orlick said: “Given the current labour challenges and the highly competitive landscape for innovation within the restaurant sector, LetzChat is thrilled to introduce groundbreaking AI-powered language translation technology through our partnership with Rosnet.

“This innovation is designed to revolutionise operations in the back of the house across the restaurant industry, marking a significant jump towards better communication, improved operational efficiency and a more inclusive work environment for non-English speaking employees.”