American coffeehouse chain Starbucks has announced the launch of Milano Duetto, a pair of contrasting coffee blends: Milano Sole and Milano Luna.

Milano Sole, the light roast, and Milano Luna, the dark roast, were unveiled at the Starbucks Reserve Roastery in Milan on 21 May 2024 and are set to reach global stores later in the year.

The Milano Duetto series is a limited-release, special-edition coffee blend crafted from Colombian and Sumatran beans.

The combination of beans from Colombia and Sumatra is claimed to give the Milano Duetto its unique profile.

The Colombian coffee, processed using the washed method, offers heightened acidity and a clean finish.

In contrast, the semi-washed Sumatran coffee provides a full body with earthy, herbal notes.

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This blend was developed by the Starbucks Coffee and Tea Development team, who experimented with various roasting points during the cycle.

Sergio Alvarez, a coffee developer with 15 years at Starbucks, played a pivotal role in creating the Milano Duetto.

Alvarez said: “The best way to understand the nuances and the effect roasting has on the coffee creation process is to compare the same blend roasted two different ways.”  

Working alongside master roasters Brad Anderson and Oscar Manuel Quintana Hernandez, the team in Seattle in the US state of Washington, produced nearly a dozen iterations before finalising the product.

Starbucks CEO Laxman Narasimhan said: “Crafted and celebrated by our partners from Seattle to Milan, Starbucks Milano Sole and Starbucks Milano Luna are two distinct and contrasting roasts that show how small differences can create unique and contrasting experiences.

“The two roasts — which showcase the unparalleled quality, unique blends and artful roasting of our premium coffees — represent the heart and soul of Starbucks and allow our customers to explore coffee in a new way that elevates the Starbucks experience.”

In May 2024 Starbucks introduced its Summer Refreshers beverage range in the US.

The new lineup offers raspberry, blueberry and blackberry flavours, complemented by raspberry-flavoured popping pearls.

Among the offerings is the Summer-Berry Lemonade Starbucks Refreshers Beverage, which combines the berry blend with lemonade and is served with the same popping pearls.