Tasty Chick’n, an affiliate of private equity company Triton Pacific, has acquired a 64-unit KFC portfolio in the Central and Southeastern US.

Financial specifics of the transaction have not been made public.

The acquisition is a strategic move for Tasty Chick’n, enhancing its investment in core and adjacent markets.

The strategic acquisition is part of Triton Pacific’s strategy to invest in high-potential opportunities within the quick-service restaurant (QSR) sector.

The move is expected to offer substantial growth potential for Tasty Chick’n, including the prospect of developing new units.

Tasty Chick’n is part of the Triton Pacific-backed Tasty Restaurant Group. The group manages a portfolio of 470 QSRs, featuring well-known brands such as Baskin-Robbins, Burger King, Dunkin’, KFC, Pizza Hut and Taco Bell.

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Tasty Restaurant Group’s operations span multiple US states.

Triton Pacific CEO Craig Faggen said: “This acquisition is a transformative addition to the existing Tasty Chick’n business, providing an opportunity to leverage the strong operations and historical performance of the acquired restaurants.

“With a historical track record of strong cash flow and above brand average unit volumes, we are confident in the growth prospects alongside our current portfolio.”

In December 2023, Triton Pacific’s portfolio company Tasty D’Lites signed an agreement to acquire 17 Dunkin’ restaurants in the US for an undisclosed sum.

Tasty D’Lites also agreed to acquire a central manufacturing location in Vermont.

For Tasty D’Lites, the deal served as a secondary platform investment, complementing its existing operations in Charlotte, North Carolina.

The acquisition also establishes Tasty D’Lites’ presence in the Northeast region of the US.